Sunday, September 04, 2005

New Kind of Spam?

I got these two comments on my last post:
Anonymous said...

I think your blog is great It's a lot of fun, you may be interested in learning about Confetti Cannons Create WOW's with Confetti Cannons

Anonymous said...

This is a excellent blog. Keep it going. Don't miss visiting this site about salvation in respect to info on salvation

The words in italics were links (which I have removed) to exactly what you'd expect, a website for a confetti cannon for parties and events and a religious website. I'm sure there's some kind of automated way to put these comments on people's blogs, but I just want to make a statement right now saying that I will delete anything like this that appears as a comment to my blog from now on. I'm not interested, so if you're reading, please don't do it. Seriously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tracie - in reading yours, Ryan's and Chad's blogs, this seems to happen all the time! Ah...our society and commercialism...don't you just LOVE it?