Saturday, April 01, 2006

Goodbye and Good Riddance...

... to the month of March 2006.

Everyone in our house was sick at least once, even Mermaid, who has the immune system of a small horse. I went to the ER twice. Enthusio had to take a break from school and now he's home being taught by his less-than-qualified, less-than-patient mother. I went without my meds for three days and discovered what a bitch it will be to stop taking this particular medication at some point in the future. Reasonable Man set a record for hours billed in a month at his current firm, working on project he does not find to be the least bit enjoyable. Yesterda, my meeting at the school to discuss Enthusio's issues was transformed by my least favorite bureaucrat into a debate about whether Enthusio should repeat 2nd grade next year -- a decision that had already been made. And the icing on the cake -- my grandmother ended up in the hospital Thursday night with congestive heart failure, which has been frequent problem for her in the last few years. We visited her in the hospital yesterday, and thankfully, she is doing well and will hopefully be released today. Unfortunately, her hospitalization caused my parents to have to cancel a fun weekend at a cabin in the mountains that we had all been looking forward to. I guess I'm not too surprised -- that's just the way things have been going for us lately.

In addition to all of that, this has been the wettest March in about a zillion years, and everyone around here is SICK of the rain. I don't know how people in the Northwest put up with it.

Anyway, here's to a better April....

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