Thursday, October 06, 2005

Ew, Gross!

God, I hate blog-comment spam. I just deleted this one:

Anonymous said...
Hello, Just wanted you to know that someone saw your Blog. My anorexia site that deals with pro bulimia websites gets only a few visitors some days...good job on your site.

And there was a link. OMG, who are these freaks?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

PRO-BULEMIA?? Say what? I agree - those are freaks!! Too bad about the faucets though...very sad. Hey, sounds like you may get a new light fixture over the kitchen table out of it. Look on the bright side!

Erin Nicole said...

did you know you can turn on more security? it's a new option in blogger that forces people to type a security word before they post. this has eliminated A LOT of spam on my blog. just thought you'd like to know!

alittleposy said...

You know, I saw that when I was posting to someone else's blog (probably yours! :-)) and thought "I need to look into that" but then promptly forgot about it. I'm going to take care of it right now! Thanks for the tip :-)