Friday, July 22, 2005

Reasons I Haven't Been Online Much the Last Few Days:

1. I'm having the busiest summer of my life
2. Bridal shower on Sunday. The game I'm in charge of is AWESOME. (One of the other bridesmaids would rip me a new one if she knew I had revealed so much as the fact that there will be games at this shower in a place where the Bride would read it, but to her I say PHTHPBTTT!!!!)
3. Um, hello? Ever heard of this whole Harry Potter deal? You think I have time to post in my blog when there's 652 new pages of Harry to be read AS SOON AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE?


Anonymous said...

oooh, there's going to be games? ha, ha. i should hope so, what's a party without games? i promise not to tell that i read that there are going to be games on your blog. i don't want anyone getting in trouble.

Anonymous said...

You're not done with HP yet? Come on, get crackin'!

alittleposy said...

Well I had to wait till a certain other person in this house finished with it, which he didn't do till 1 am Thursday morning...